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What to Expect at a Mature Swinger Party: A Guide for First-Timers

mature swinger partyIf you’re a first-time swinger, attending a mature swinger party can be a bit nerve-wracking if you don’t know what to expect. Whether you’ve been invited by someone you know or found a club to attend, a little nerves are totally expected. However, at Swing Social, we’re all about creating spaces where swingers feel comfortable, especially people who are relatively new to the community, which is why we’ve created a few guidelines on what you can expect when you attend a swinger event or party!

6 Things You Can Expect at Swinger Parties

When it comes to attending your first swinger events and parties, it can be difficult to know what to expect. We’ve put together a list of 6 standard expectations when you attend mature swinger parties:

  1. First, and foremost, you are at a swinger event, so you should anticipate that it will be full of couples looking to swap partners, socially and sexually, which is the point of a swinger party! If you’re going to a swinger party with your established partner or by yourself, you should expect that the other attendees will typically be in established relationships and are looking to meet new people to enrich their sex and social lives. The party host will likely introduce to a few people they think you may be interested in swinging with!
  2. Just like any party, expect a social atmosphere. The party may be at a club or someone’s house, but no matter the location, the goal is to meet new people with similar desires and interests! Many swinger events include dancing, drinking, and dress codes, and all of them include being social. You’re there to meet people! It’s okay to be nervous. But remember everyone is there to have a good time, not judge, so don’t be afraid to open up.
  3. Expect an open discussion of boundaries and be prepared to tell and be told ‘no thanks’. Most people attending swinger parties are there with an established partner, and you and your own partner should establish boundaries and rules that work for you! When swapping partners, it’s best to have open communication so everyone involved is on the same page, and you should feel free to say no to any propositions you aren’t feeling, and vice versa. If you do find someone you’re interested in, remember to check in with your primary partner, as well as communicate with any new people you meet.
  4. There are many types of ‘play’ at a swinger party! You might find someone you’re interested in hooking up with, but you also might find it fun and sexy to just observe. There is no ‘correct’ way to swing, as long as everyone involved is comfortable. Either way, remember you’re there to have fun, self-explore, and feel good.
  5. Maintaining a fun and safe environment is essential to swinger culture, both emotionally and sexually. Swingers are more likely than non-swingers to practice safe and protected sex, as they are accustomed to having multiple partners. Make sure to do your part! Safety first! 
  6. Finding your community. Swinging and non-monogamy are still attached to a pretty large social stigma outside of swinger events, which is why the swinger community does its best to create a nonjudgmental and safe place where everyone is welcome! Swinger events are a place for you to come as you are and feel safe being your most authentic self. Meet new partners or even friends who share the same lifestyle and interests as you. Have fun and be respectful! Remember everyone is there to have a good time!

Build Your Community with Swing Social

Whether you’re still looking for swinger parties or already have one on your calendar, Swing Social can help you build community and find people that match your sexual and social interests! Our community feature will help you find events in your area, post information about events you are hosting, and connect with like-minded individuals! You don’t have to struggle to find your community any longer. Join us today. It really is that easy!

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