Swinger Signs | Swing Social


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Signs your neighbor might be a Swinger

Many people living in apartments, condos, or other shared residences may be curious about their neighbors. It\’s natural; living in close quarters to someone day after day leads to some intense questions. Are they partying all the time? Are they homebodies? Or are they swingers?

It\’s not uncommon for people to cover up the fact that they\’re a swinger, polyamorous, or anything else that might get a bad reputation in today\’s society. Swingers are like everyone else, but just with a different sexual preference. And unless you\’re going around asking people if they\’re swingers, you might not ever know!

This is why we created this article to educate our readers and explain what signs and symbols to look out for when determining whether your neighbor is a swinger:

They have their wing in the building, which is a clear sign of action.

If you don\’t know the meaning of half of the objects and designs your neighbor has on their walls, that’s most likely a swinger sign. On the other hand, if there is so much artwork in one place, it\’s easy to overlook something like that. Swinging may not be for everyone, but if you\’re going to join in on the action, you might as well have your own living space.

They\’re Always Out of Town!

If they\’re always out of town, it might be for work, or they might be up to something. Swinging is fun, but it can be very strenuous and draining if you\’re doing it all the time. If you see that your neighbors are never home from work and seem to be out a lot, they may be just busy people. However, there could also be more to it than that.

They wear a wristband all the time.

If you\’ve never seen a wristband on your neighbor before and it\’s some strange, foreign symbol, then they might be into a little something extra in life.

They Are Never Home During Regular Business Hours

If someone is always in the building during strange times of the day, they could be doing something other than going to work.

They have a \”Do Not Disturb\” sign on their door.

If this is the first time you\’ve ever seen the sign and it\’s on your neighbor\’s door, then they might be too embarrassed to admit that they live in a swingers community. However, if you\’ve seen it before and you\’re sure that your neighbor is a swinger, they may be too busy with all of their swinging activities to answer the door.

Assortment of white objects around the building

If there are a lot of white objects around your building, then a swinger might live in the vicinity. White objects are generally used to indicate that a part of the building is off-limits. However, if they\’re just scattered around the building, it might be a sign that your neighbor is keeping an eye out for something.

They have friends who indulge in swinger activities.

If you spot your neighbor hanging with all of these other people who are also swinging, they may be just like them. However, if you notice that they are more drawn to particular people than the rest of their friends, they may be a little bit more complex than the average person might expect.

These are just a few things you can try to figure out if your neighbor is a swinger. However, it\’s important to note that these things mean nothing if you don\’t know whether or not your neighbor is a swinger in the first place.

If you think your neighbor is up to no good, then there\’s no harm in asking them what business they\’re conducting in their apartment, but if you like to find Swingers in your area the easy way, sign up today for Swing Social. 

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